Wet combustion analysis: Hygrometric Diagram Software

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Wet combustion analysis: Hygrometric Diagram Software

par Christophe » 28/05/13, 18:23

Wet combustion analysis

Thanks to the Combustion Hygrometric Diagram Software
By Rémi Guillet* And Jean-Pierre Hébert**

The Combustion Hygrometric Diagram (CHD) software is a useful tool for analysing, improving, optimizing the efficiency of any processes including a combustion and particularly relevant for condensing processes as condensing boilers or processes using additional water to increase their heat and power efficiency and - as a more and more appreciated consequence - a more “ecological” combustion in the last case we have called “humid combustion processes”.This numeric tool can be also the base of a new metrology using the wet bulb temperature as a main data… And is also relevant to size any kind of bi-phases exchanger, as the “water vapour pump”, to detect any “inside” or “outside” water condensation…

A description of the CHD software abilities will be sent free on demand

*Rémi Guillet (now retired) has published “Du diagramme hygrométrique de combustion aux pompes à vapeur d’eau” (Elsevier ed. 1998), “Wet Way Combustion” (Elsevier ed. 2000) and is the author of “La combustion par voie humide et ses performances” thesis / Nancy 1 university, 2002 (see “www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCD_T_2002_0149_GUILLET.pdf)
**Jean-Pierre Hébert is in charge of the CERTI SPEA (Centre of Technological and Industrial Researches and Studies - Process Safety, Environment and Analysis) (see http://
www.insa-rouen.fr/recherche/activites-i ... /certi-spe)

Read the 24 pages .pdf of presentation of Combustion Hygrometric Diagram (CHD) software
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