New 4 stroke engine (en anglais)

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par inventor » 03/12/09, 16:50

I very much apologise, but I forgot that on this forum the part of readers had motorbikes......

I propose for them 1+1 system ........

Regards Andrew :D

Ps.In good taste there would be a use microstepper elctronic for the fluid movement ...
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Andrew Feliks
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par oiseautempete » 05/12/09, 15:22

Christophe a écrit :

Pour les compresseur oui mais pour les moteurs ce n'est pas vrai...Un wankel a un moins bon rendement ( largement ) qu'un moteur à piston.

Le rendement du Wankel n'est pas si mauvais que ça à régime constant puisque sa consommation spécifique dans ces conditions n'est que de ~15% plus élevée, Mazda l'a démontré....a noter que leurs moteurs les plus perfectionnés n'ont plus grand chose à voir avec les moteurs Comotor des années 70, si ce n'est le principe...
A noter que la Quasiturbine qui devait "révolutionner" les moteurs thermiques, a fait un flop retentissant: ils n'ont pas encore été foutus de construire un moteur fonctionnel alors qu'on trouve des wankel pour moteurs réduits à pas cher...mais moi ça ne m'étonne pas du tout car la QT a les mêmes inconvénients que le wankel (chambres allongées + grande surface d'échange thermique) avec en plus des frottements nettement plus élevés du fait des pans déformables et des pressions induites par l'explosion (200bars et +) qui engendrent un effet de "coincement", quand à celui qui prétend que les ressorts de distribution n'absorbent pas de puissance, il n'a sans doute jamais démonté un moteur (surtout un mono ou un bicylindre de grosse cylindrée à double arbre) car sans quoi il saurait qu'un moteur est très facile à virer à la main chaîne de distri démontée, alors qu'il est très dur à virer avec (bougies démontées évidemment) :cheesy:
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par Aumicron » 11/12/09, 10:25

oiseautempete, au sujet du moteur ci-dessous, j'avais écrit cela :

Concernant les frottements dans un moteur classique, la perte due à l'ensemble vilebrequin/piston (équipage mobile) représente 50% (hypothèse basse) alors que la perte liée à la distribution est de 25% maxi.

De ce fait, remplacer la distribution par arbre à cames et soupapes par un ensemble vilebrequin/piston me semble nuire de façon importante au rendement.

Qu'en penses-tu?

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par inventor » 22/01/10, 01:49

Aumicron a écrit :oiseautempete, au sujet du moteur ci-dessous, j'avais écrit cela :

Qu'en penses-tu?

Hi, you right. :)

May be oiseautempete dont see , so valve crankshaft have 2 litlle RPM than main crankshaft.
2 little RPM , its 4 little forces :D

My proposal it is modified poped valve which let for very effective picking up the warmth by chilling with intense stream of oil.
Thanks to widening the leading part of the valve to the maximum dimension which can only to fit in the nest , the surface of the joint of the valve with the head repeatedly was increased.
Thanks to widening the leading part of the valve to the maximum dimension which can only to fit in the nest the surface of the joint of the valve with the head repeatedly was increased. much simpler sailing across the warmth causes it to the well chilled head. a here also omitted Valve Guide which is usually of materials worse being a heat conductor than aluminium stayed. the additional crack of the baulk still became the Valve Guide to head liquidated in this new structure of the valve. The new structure allows to move heat to the head very efficiently. with valve quide omitting, and big relatively with area.
In the new structure it is an important thing, that inside valve on 3 / 4 one's length is feeling empty inside and has the enormous area for the exchange of the warm with chilling oil.
Chilling jst oil passed to the middle of the valve with the help of two tubes from which the very intense stream of cooling oil is flowing out.

I think that at such a construction of the valve, the temperature of the valve should not exceed 500 degrees Celsius, and NOx coming into existence in a combustion chamber can be limited about about 80 %

It will also be possible to increase the efficiency of the engine by increasing the degree of tensing, or else there will be no great temperature in a combustion chamber what the significant reduction of self-ignitions will cause, and will cause more laminar burning.

And the most important case. Since temperature of the new valve on 3 / 4 his lengths she should not be bigger than the temperature of the head, it will be possible to resign entirely from devices for placing valve clearance, since the sum of the expandability of the new valve and the expandability of the head will be approximately similar.

therefore keeping valve clearance of manner will be unnecessary as a result of the same complete expandability of the valve and the head.

Below I am describing two models of the latest version of valves, and the disintegration of the temperature on the length in the traditional valve.



If valves don't need valve clearance , it is the most considerable problem desmodrom will disappear .

Perhaps therefore it is possible to come back to old good desmodrom

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par inventor » 29/05/10, 01:27

"Salt water extraction"


And sallt water Tank:


1 m^3 / sec if H = 100 m give ~~ 1 MW ( 1000 KW) electric energy

Regards Andrew :D
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Andrew Feliks
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par dedeleco » 29/05/10, 01:54

Beautiful simple solution with simple methods with no battery !
How long of sea waves for 1MW ?
1km ?
Sea corrosion and resistance to waves remains a problem.
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par dedeleco » 29/05/10, 02:15

With the oscillating tall trees in the waves of wind in forests, you can use your scalable oscillating dynamos, with a few ropes for each tree in all the forests !!
Your system not limited to sea waves !!
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par inventor » 29/05/10, 02:39

dedeleco a écrit :Beautiful simple solution with simple methods with no battery !
How long of sea waves for 1MW ?
1km ?
Sea corrosion and resistance to waves remains a problem.

The Wikipedia is only about how the water gives the mechanical energy, either as mechanical energy pumps water.

My solution is a third alternative:

Water pumps water.

It is an opportunity to complete at this point Wikipedia.

Mybe this animation better:


Detail about salt water generator:

Many ship floats in salt water after a dozen years.
Now, are modern materials such as ceramics, PVC, Teflon which is widely used here

Regards Andrew 8)
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Andrew Feliks
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par oiseautempete » 29/05/10, 09:47

inventor a écrit :
dedeleco a écrit :Beautiful simple solution with simple methods with no battery !
How long of sea waves for 1MW ?
1km ?
Sea corrosion and resistance to waves remains a problem.

The Wikipedia is only about how the water gives the mechanical energy, either as mechanical energy pumps water.

My solution is a third alternative:

Water pumps water.

It is an opportunity to complete at this point Wikipedia.

Mybe this animation better:


Detail about salt water generator:

Many ship floats in salt water after a dozen years.
Now, are modern materials such as ceramics, PVC, Teflon which is widely used here

Regards Andrew 8)

I think the wave air pressure generator (LIMPET) is better and more simple and more durable (no mechanic in the water). It' exists a very old prototype near at Brest (i think out of order) and a powerfull installation in Scottland.
A new project for such a power plant in Tahiti (French polynesia)
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par dedeleco » 29/05/10, 14:50

the sea is difficult with too strong killing waves :
Zone de fortes vagues

►Dégradation de l'installation plus ou moins forte selon la force des vagues

►Lourd besoin d'installation (béton) ... vagues.htm ... 42552.html

Sea energy with large potential and various methods:

It is possible to use similar limpet with the sea water pump.

Why not use the energy of tree in forest with top oscillating under the wind with your dynamo or pump, using simple ropes ?
This system can be very simple.

I do not undestand why the wave energy is never used on sail boats? Only sun or wind?? With a moving mass on a sail boat, your dynamo could used?
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